Implementing Classroom Pods: A Step-by-Step Process for Schools 

Implementing Classroom Pods: A Step-by-Step Process for Schools 

In the evolving landscape of education, the concept of classroom Pods has emerged as a transformative solution to modern teaching and learning challenges. Offering flexibility, innovation, and a personalised learning environment, garden rooms can significantly enhance the educational experience. This guide walks you through the step-by-step process of implementing a classroom Pod in your school,…

Garden Rooms With Storage: Tips for Keeping Your Outdoor Space Organised  

Garden Rooms With Storage: Tips for Keeping Your Outdoor Space Organised  

In the quest for a serene and clutter-free outdoor living area, garden rooms with storage emerge as a beacon of hope. These versatile structures not only augment your living space but also offer ingenious solutions to keep your garden tidy and organised. Whether you’re using it as a home office or a small business base,…

Do You Need Garden Rooms Planning Permission? 

Do You Need Garden Rooms Planning Permission? 

Navigating the world of home improvements and additions can be a maze, especially when it comes to understanding the ins and outs of planning permissions. One question that often pops up for homeowners looking to expand their living space is, “Do you need garden rooms planning permission?” Particularly for those residing in the beautiful locales…

Your Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Garden Room Gym for Year-Round Fitness 

Your Ultimate Guide to Setting Up a Garden Room Gym for Year-Round Fitness 

The quest for wellness and fitness has never been more paramount, and what better way to commit to this lifestyle than by creating your very own garden room gym? With the unpredictable British weather, having a dedicated space for your fitness regimen ensures consistency in your workouts, rain or shine. Our versatile Hully Pods offer the ideal environment for a home gym that caters to your year-round fitness needs.

Modular Classrooms: A Smart Solution for Expanding Educational Spaces  

Modular Classrooms: A Smart Solution for Expanding Educational Spaces  

Discover how these prefabricated, versatile learning spaces are reshaping schools, offering rapid deployment, cost-efficiency, and customisable solutions tailored to the evolving needs of students and teachers. Join us in embracing modular classrooms, where every lesson is an adventure, and every space is a sanctuary of learning.

How to Create Your Dream Garden Office   

How to Create Your Dream Garden Office   

One of the biggest challenges with remote working is finding a peaceful yet productive workspace, especially when sharing a home with kids, pets, and spouses. Yet, what if the treasure lies right in your backyard? Transforming your garden into a garden office is not just about creating a workspace; it’s about redefining work-life balance. Take…

The Budget Buyer’s Guide to Cheap and Affordable Garden Rooms 

The Budget Buyer’s Guide to Cheap and Affordable Garden Rooms 

Expanding living spaces is a top priority for many homeowners across the U.K. with garden rooms emerging as a popular trend, offering a serene retreat away from the hustle, bustle, and noise of the main household. However, the perceived (high) cost of such a dream oasis scares many homeowners away. Fortunately, Hully Pods has revolutionised…

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